Awarded No 1 Training Company in Delhi NCR

CETPA is devoted to excellence in learning. CETPA are proud to have been dignified by industry awards. This appreciation is not only testament to our obligation of excellence in learning but also a strong validation of the quality of work that CETPA convey to our customers. Since 2010 CETPA INFOTECH Pvt. Ltd. continuously awarded for its quality training as the No 1. Ranked training company in whole Delhi (NCR) .
The company is ISO 9001:2015 certified training company with more than 15 years of industrial experience in facilitating professional-level training and has emerged as a face of change in today’s education system by providing ample technical exposure to students within a friendly learning environment. We are also a training partner with Microsoft, Oracle, Autodesk, Panasonic, and Nuvoton.
CETPA INFOTECH Awards and Media :
- CETPA received “Top IT Training company” award by Chetan Bhaghat for quality training.
- Service excellence awards in 2012 for Best Industrial Training Institute in software & embedded system in NOIDA.
- Max Certifications Pvt. Ltd. certifies the quality management system of CETPA INFOTECH in the field of computer software and embedded system.
- ICRS Management Systems Pvt. Ltd. certifies CETPA INFOTECH for providing Training & Assistance to students in making projects in the field of software.
- Ranked among No 1. Training Company in 2015.
- CETPA received Best Education and Training Company award by Soha Ali Khan.
- CETPA dignified Best Industry award by Shashi Tharoor.
- Various time CETPA received many ISO certificates for quality certified training.
CETPA is a group of companies imparting real-time and Placement focused live Project Based Training to Engineering students and working professionals which entail various domains to meet the demand of the industry. We have been awarded the “Best IT and Embedded Training Company” for 5 consecutive years for providing high-quality training, seminars, and workshops at more than 500 colleges across India.
CETPA Main Strategy Goals are as Follows:-
- To grants high quality and cost adequate training at par with the best in the country and criterion it regularly.
- To cultivate and train learners in various fields of information technology desired by industry along with the general education.
- To provide a conductive learning atmosphere to cherish the growth of professional education, industrial & social up liftment and employable knowledge among the students.
- To transform students into professionals.
- To develop and inculate knowledge, skills and right perspective with responsibility, pledge, professionalism, moral& ethical standards and Indian Value System among students.
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